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May 11, 2004


Carrie Stern

I like sheba's cool new camo collar. I also like the pic with the little kids. I hope to hug that pug soon. Carrie


Hey Sheba, wanna come & play with me? We can poo all over the WH lawn, then go inside & look for treats!

Come fly with me, Puggy, on Air Force One!


Carrie - I will be coming down to LA soon, maybe on my way to a week in Vegas!

Barney - I would love to poop on the Whitehouse lawn.


Sheba, if dogs could vote, who would you raise your tail for in November?

I'm still undecided...

Barbara Boxer

Sheba and Barney,

Since I'm a Boxer, I'm a working breed. But I'm also on the diminutive end of the Boxers, so more like a toy breed like you Sheba, so I consider us sisters in arms. Sisters in arms that hug. Huggable pugs, huggable boxers, huggable terriers, standing shoulder to shoulder, muzzle to muzzle, in our struggle to break free of our leashes, to run and run and run, and poop.

I beseech you, that whatever you do this election, let us pledge here and now, paws to our hearts, to lift our legs to the Bush, or squat, and cast our pee, but not our votes, for the man.

Barney, just remember what he did to you:

Who's gonna Kerry us? Who will boost us from the Nader of canine civilization?

Vote Boxer 2004


Hi Barney and Boxer,

I can't vote. I am a dog... but if I could I would vote for....



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