Hi Friends,
Tonight at the dog park I met one of Hoagie's friends, a pug puppy named Roy. Roy is only four months old, and is much much smaller than a big dog like myself. We chased each other around and then teamed up with Pug Power to take on the other (small) dogs.
Roy also has a puppy blog (http://www.roythepug.com), with lot's of photos of him at the Mountain View dog park, and at puppy day care, where he spends time with Hoagie and others.
Roy and I meet for the first time.
Roy and I take a water break. Roy always likes to drink water while standing in the bowl : ).
And make sure to click here and visit Roy's puppy blog :) :)
Was so happy to see Roy meeting quality friends at the dog park....Good to have Sheba showing him the ropes...What a cutie she is...
Posted by: Anna, Roy's Grandma | July 19, 2004 at 08:51 PM