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November 13, 2004



Sheba's parents, Tol Tol and Peach are very happy that Sheba is doing so well and is so happy up there. They want to know how many pounds she weighs. Will she be as big as the dad (30lbs) or like mom (15lbs)? They are anxious to know.


OMG! Sheba is so cute!


(dog in next to last pic on Nov. 13 with red leash and harness)


Hi Elvira,

It was great to meet you! I hope to see you again on my adventure walks or at the Mountain View dog park!!!




Hi MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!!

I currently weigh 18lbs and have been at that weight for about 6 week. I try to eat healthy, with lot's of fish :) I also exercise everyday, taking long walks with my peeps and playing with my friends at the dog park or the backyard park. I have a lot of friends here to play with and am very very happy!!!

I can't wait to visit you in Los Angeles! I hope to be getting down there sometime in the next few months and will send you an email/call. Then we can have a MOM, DAD, and LITTLE SHEBA meet up!!!!!

Peace, and Love,



You are the cutest love puppy!


We Love looking at the pics of Sheba. She looks like a very sweet and saucy little puglet :)

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