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November 28, 2004



I was looking at your website and wonder how to view "Planets of the Pugs". When I go to the web page all I can view is a short clip. Is this all there.

Thanks diane


great Pug pictures. I can't wait to bring my Pug Nikko to Palo Alto and play with you guys.



Hello I´m a lucky pug owner from Denmark, and I think Planet of the Pugs are top-nice... Bow your heads!! Pugs rule...
Sheba looks very cute, just a perfekt item for my pug Tyson *lol*


Came across your page by coincidence. Really enjoyed the photos of the pugs 'attacking' that pitbull, hehe, typical pugs I must say!
I have 3 pugs myself, and also 3 American Staffordshire Terriers.
Regards from Norway,


ive been hearing about "planet of the pugs" for a while but ive never actually seen the movie(i think it's a movie) before. anyway, I LOVE PUGS,some people say they're ugly but i think they're the cutest things, i don't know why but they steel my heart. i would like to know more about "planet of the pugs" somtime cuz it sounds so cute!!!

Rebecca Eichhorn

i would someday like to actually see planet of the pugs. i would like to know where i can actually see the whole thing. i hate having to wait!

Jan Adams

Hi Sheba,

My pugmate Maggie and I want to know where we can view Planet of the Pugs. We went to the links mentioned, but couldn't find the trailer or movie. We want to see and maybe ask our owner to get us a copy! Can you help us?

Pugs & kisses,

Marvie Adams

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