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Posted on December 28, 2004 at 07:41 PM in Lilo | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
I took a holiday walk with my peeps tonight. We went down the holiday street with lots of lights and decorations
I met a reindeer on my walk...
... and other reindeers that were made out of lights.
While the street was crowded with peeps, there were a few of us pups along to bring forth holiday joy and licks.
Peace and Joy and Sheba and Stacy!!! Happy Holidays!!!
Posted on December 27, 2004 at 10:56 PM in Sheba News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
Happy Holidays!!! I had a lot of fun today!!!
I was in charge of passing out the gifts and cards
My gift was wrapped especially for me. I had to chew my way through the paper...
I got a Justia t-shirt, just what I wanted!!!
Here is another picture of me in my new shirt. I will wear it everyday, just like a programmer!!!
I hope you all had a great holiday as well!!!!
Posted on December 25, 2004 at 10:38 PM in Sheba & Justia | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
Dog Party. Party of Dogs. Holiday Dog Party!!!!
What happens when you take 30 dogs, 30 toys and put them in a little dog run park... non-stop puppy fun!!!! Everyone was there... Lucy, Gimley, Ted & Max, Louis, Beau, Toby, Rusty, Pepper, Daisy, Camille, Winston, Atlas and many more friends and pups.
Below are some photos of the fun, and I put the rest of the unedited photos* up at this link Dog Party Photos
I could not wait to go to the party. All day I kept running around my home in anticipation. I could see the action as we approached and was very excited to play with my friends!!!
I immediately got into the middle of the action. Dogs running and chasing and peeps to play with.
Us and puppies played with our toys, especially Tug of War. Atlas won this round.
Winston won one for the dogs, beating his peep 4-0 in Tug of War games as Atlas watched his protege.
I played Pug of War, against the big dogs! I won some, I lost some, but I left with my head up and my tail curled!
Camille and I walked and talked while the peeps and pups swirled around us.
There were so many of us dogs, that some of the peeps had to stay outside of the fence just so we would all fit.
Ted and Max patrolled the premiter of the park to make sure things were safe and there was no way for peeps to sneak in without using the main entrance.
Louis introduced his new friend Beau to all of us. Beau was very nice and did a lot of tail chasing with me and Lucy.
Everywhere there were dogs and peeps.
Peeps were there to help give us hugs...
...and to make sure that we played nice.
But every once in awhile when the peeps were not looking, I would attack the big dogs and start a game of chase, while Lucy chased people.
When Lucy caught her peep, she got a bone. I watched her eat it, and waited for my turn...
As the day turned into night, some dogs got treats while other dogs watched.
Winston finished his night up with his Tug of War prize and me with a hug pug smile.
And Rusty closed out the party with a nighttime sit down until it was time to go... and wait for the grass to reopen :)
I have a great time and look forward to chasing and smelling all of my friends again!!!
The photos online have been reduced in size. I (Sheba) also have full size (2,580 x 1,932) versions of these photos if someone from the party wants them. The smaller unedited versions can be seen by clicking this link Dog Party Photos
Posted on December 20, 2004 at 08:27 PM in Daisy, Sheba's Palo Alto Dog Park Friends | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
It was a nice warm day here in the Bay area, so I went to the Mountain View little dog Dog Park to play with some of my friends.
I started the day with a game of standoff with a friend of mine.
I made a new friend with a peep who was wearing my colors, Red, White and Blue!
Then I played a game of chase with Maggie.
I was fast, and started to pull away from her...
...we turned the corner and I was still in the lead.
See daylight, I broke through the middle of the pack.
But eventually I was caught and had to fend for myself :)
I had a lot of fun and got real dirty. I got my nails clipped on the way home, and then took a bath. It was a lot of puppy chasing fun. I slept very well after all of the chasing!!!
Posted on December 18, 2004 at 11:29 PM in Sheba's MV Dog Park Friends | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
Well the day is finally here. Me and my friends at Justia have released a beta of our first service for law firms. Free Search Engine Optimized Web Sites for Law Firms!!! The peeps did the work, but I came up with the free part (like a puppy's love, an entry level Web site should be free for law firms).
Here I am in front of the my computer hard at work!
Here is the Justia Home Page!
And here is the Freedom.Justia.com Home Page where lawyers and law firms can make their own FREE search engine optimized Web site.
So if you are a lawyer or know a lawyer who needs a Web site, give them a gift of a link to Freedom.Justia.com. Every site made with little Sheba puppy love.
Posted on December 13, 2004 at 05:56 AM in Sheba & Justia | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (3)
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Hi Friends,
Today I took another walk along the San Francisco Bay. When we started out it was sunny, but when we finished up it was dark. Needless to say the peep who wears shorts and a t-shirt a night is a cold peep. Anyway I had a lot of fun on my walk, as it was nice and muddy, just the way I like it!!!
I started the walk by looking at one of the signs that described all of the kinds of wild life I was going to meet. I was surprised to learn that not all of the birds are ducks.
On my walk I met some other dogs, all of whom became my friends. This friend smiled at me a lot, so I gave my friend a kiss.
This big dog was part wolf, just like me. I liked my friend a lot and thus I gave my friend a kiss.
There were not many dogs around, but there were peeps. Everywhere I went I would make the peeps smile with my puppy antics and fun loving nature.
As the day came to an end, I took this picture with the sunset (I am at the bottom of the photo in the middle).
Finally after the sun had set, the peeps got cold, and the mud started to harden, we reached the end of the walk. I washed my feet off in the puppy water bowl at the entrance to the park, and then off we went home to get warm. I was so tired I fell asleep right away until noon today (Sunday)
I hope all my friends had a great weekend too. I am looking forward to a lot more hug puggin fun this upcoming week!!!
Posted on December 12, 2004 at 08:37 PM in San Francisco Bay Walks | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
It has been colder lately, so I have been wearing my new sweater when I go out on walks. Some peeps think it is still t-shirt and shorts weather, but that is just crazy for a pug puppy like me. It is sweater time! When taking one of my walks I met my friends Mary and Ruth and one of their friends, who is so small that the pup is actually carried on walks by a peep.
Ruth, Mary and I were happy to see each other. We had a lot to talk about since our last meeting, mostly about running, chasing and the big dogs out back in the park.
As is the common practice among us pups, I gave kiss on the left.
And then a kiss on the right. Just like in Europe, kisses without war.
Now this is the life... bundled up and warm and being carried. I name this pup "Lucky Warm Puppy Who Is Carried by Peep."
I had to climb up to give Lucky Warm Puppy Who Is Carried by Peep a kiss. Lucky I had something to climb on to give Lucky Pup a kiss :)
I had a great time with Ruth, Mary and Lucky Pup. I will be playing with them again soon, as we like to walk (or be carried in a warm bundle :) at the same time. And for my other friends... well the park field out back is closed for the pushing around of dirt. I hope they finish it soon before football season is over. I guess there is always the dog run :)
Posted on December 08, 2004 at 08:24 AM in Sheba's Friends | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
Today I went to the San Jose Pug Meet up... Two Words.... "Pug City." Pugs, Pug Tail Chasing and even some Pug Huggin was happening at the Pug Meet up. And Peeps, lots and lots of Peeps. But mostly us Pugs!!!
When you entered the holiday pugs welcomed you with a welcome kiss. Some were dressed as elves, others as reindeers.
Everywhere you looked there were pugs, running, chasing and a lot of huggin.
Some Pugs were dressed in pink...
... and other Pugs were dressed in blue... being carried by Peeps!
We had a fun time climbing on and playing king of the peeps!
I gave this peep a kiss, as my friends watched.
Peeps watched from benches as we walked from one hug pug pile to another hug pug pile.
I loved the hug pug piles! I had fun fun fun!!!
Now I have to wait a month for the next pug meetup! I can hardly wait!
Posted on December 04, 2004 at 07:07 PM in Santa Clara County Pug Meetup | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Hi Friends,
I did get out last night for a half hour or so. It was very cold so I wore my new sweater.
It was way past the other puppy's bed times. When I looked around, I was the only puppy in the field.
And it was so cold, I could see my breath. Well needless to say, I was happy to get back into the warm home and sleep after some midnight outside cold run around.
Now I have to get ready for my pug meetup!!!!
Posted on December 04, 2004 at 08:00 AM in Sheba News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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