Hi Friends,
Many people come to HugPug.com to see my friends and my adventures. But did you know that you can also see me playing with Daisy on Google Maps? Here is what you do...
Start off at Google Maps and enter the address of Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper, Palo Alto 94306. Then click on the satellite view. This is a view of Hoover Park and most of the state of California.
Zoom in as far as you can. The green park in this photo is a helicopter view of Hoover Park. Now here is the key, and it only works on a Macintosh running OS X Tiger 10.4. Hold down the Apple key and click on the gradient for closest view one more time.
Presto. You can see me running from Daisy under the bench.
Then hold down the Apple and Control keys at the same time, click on the gradient for closest view, and you will see the other picture of me patting my good friend Daisy on the back. Well those are today's Pugernet secrets. I love Apple & Google!!!! Thanks for making it Pugsable!!!!
That is just amazing.
Posted by: sandy | May 21, 2005 at 12:04 AM
wow. thats actually really cool. Kinda scary to see what else you could do with google maps.
Posted by: angie | May 27, 2005 at 08:44 AM
Is Funny,Cool and real!
I Have in my Yahoo! Bokmarks saved!
I did it also!
Posted by: Ramin | February 26, 2006 at 04:45 AM
is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Rates or Stars!
Posted by: Ramin | February 26, 2006 at 04:49 AM