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July 03, 2006


Jill Warner

I am writing to you because I read your blog on a regular basis - just an FYI:)

Sponsor Me! - http://blogathon.org/sponsor.php?blog_id=280

I have decided to participate in BLOGATHON 2006!!! I will be posting in my public blog - here is the URL:

The blogathon will take place on July 29, 2006 beginning at 9am EST. It will go on for 24 hours and participants are to blog once every 30 minutes.

I will be posting animal pictures every 1/2 hour! I will be raising money for the National Marrow Donor ProgramĀ® in dedication to my friend, Jennifer Baker, who is fighting Leukemia. Please take a look at Jen's site (jenniferkbaker.com)!

If you are able, please sponser me by going to my Blogathon Profile - http://blogathon.org/sponsor.php?blog_id=280.

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