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October 31, 2007



Yippee-Eye-Aye! I like your Ladybug costumes, Sheba and Rio.

I was a cowboy this year!

Roy & Gwen

Lady pugs! You guys are so very cute. I hope the earthquake didn't scare you. Happy Halloween!

Roy & Gwen


BRILLIANT!!! You guys looked adorable!!! Glad you had fun- hopefully you didn't eat too much doggy candy!! Boston, Sophie dressed as a princess but her dress came loose and she looked more like a pink super hero!! LOL!!

Peace, pups!
~Nate. xxx


hi sheba and rio you are so adorable! Thanks for making me smile!

Peg the pug lover

Oh, dear! I hope Rio doesn't start having a gender identity crisis! I believe he would be a gentlemanbug, not a ladybug. :D

Bernard Robertson

Would you like to add a link to the Law and Economics Association of New Zealand on your Law and Econ resources page?

our website is


Thank you


Haha, so lovely to see they are making funny faces out of those torture to cuteness costumes!

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