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January 29, 2008



Love the pictures i have a girl pug she is 5 yrs old wouldnt trade her for the world Do you know where I can buy girl pug clothes all I find is boy clothes


its me agen just to say http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/43305/pugs_arent_dogs_but_goblins.html < that link is horible its about pugs looking like goblins a write and said that there not ugly and the cutest dogs alive. its good 2 see puggies getting aloung with babys !
fee x

alix laws

I think it is lovely how these pictures demonstrate why to get a pug and it also reasurres people if they are going to get a pug

Thanx , great pictures


awesome pugs ive got a black one boomer they love to play with anyone


love the pics ;) i have 2 pugs myself a black one and a fawn. one is 2 and a half and the fawn is 9 weeks :D xxxxxx there names are pickles and dibs

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