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February 15, 2007


Roy & Gwen

Happy Birthday Sheba!


Happy Birthday Sheba!!!!!


Awwwww! Happy birthday, Sheba! :)


Happy Birthday Sheba!!! Best wishes for a great year with many more to come! Kisses from MeiMei and Miko


Awwww, Happy Birthday Sheba!! Wow, you and Nickey are almost exactly the same age. He just celebrated his 3rd birthday on Valentine's Day this week :)

Happy belated Valentine's to Sheba as well...


Christine & Nickey

Peg the Pug Lover

Happy Birthday, Sheba!! It looks like you had a great day, and it was fun to revisit your baby pics.

I gave the same leopard print bone toy to my cats, but they didn't like it at all. :(


P.S. Fun to see you in the pink sweater on Valentine's Day! ;)

Peg the Pug Lover

Happy Birthday, Sheba!! It looks like you had a great day, and it was fun to revisit your baby pics.

I gave the same leopard print bone toy to my cats, but they didn't like it at all. :(


P.S. Fun to see you in the pink sweater on Valentine's Day! ;)

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