Hi Friends,
It's My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!
Here I am on my way up to Palo Alto from Los Angeles.
Rio and I enjoyed one of my birthday gifts while we sat together in the sun.
Here I am with a shoe... again :)
Working on my teething
Rio and I played jump and get it with my new toy
We kind of look like the contestants on dancing with the stars.
I always like to lie down in the blankets after they come out of the laundry
Here I am getting the my toy to take back to my place in room
This is me waiting for more water
Here I am climbing over Rio to get the toy. We had a few toy chases of fun
And here I am with my HugPug t-shirt on.
I had lots of hug pug birthday fun. This was my first birthday that I shared with my brother Rio, who is only one. And three is drinking age for puppies... I am going to have some water at Fiesta Del Mar Too! :) Last year I was Two and the year before that I was One :)
Happy Birthday Sheba!
Posted by: Roy & Gwen | February 15, 2007 at 08:21 PM
Happy Birthday Sheba!!!!!
Posted by: Raoul | February 16, 2007 at 03:13 AM
Awwwww! Happy birthday, Sheba! :)
Posted by: comebacknikki | February 16, 2007 at 07:27 AM
Happy Birthday Sheba!!! Best wishes for a great year with many more to come! Kisses from MeiMei and Miko
Posted by: amanda | February 16, 2007 at 07:59 AM
Awwww, Happy Birthday Sheba!! Wow, you and Nickey are almost exactly the same age. He just celebrated his 3rd birthday on Valentine's Day this week :)
Happy belated Valentine's to Sheba as well...
Christine & Nickey
Posted by: Christine | February 16, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Happy Birthday, Sheba!! It looks like you had a great day, and it was fun to revisit your baby pics.
I gave the same leopard print bone toy to my cats, but they didn't like it at all. :(
P.S. Fun to see you in the pink sweater on Valentine's Day! ;)
Posted by: Peg the Pug Lover | February 16, 2007 at 02:44 PM
Happy Birthday, Sheba!! It looks like you had a great day, and it was fun to revisit your baby pics.
I gave the same leopard print bone toy to my cats, but they didn't like it at all. :(
P.S. Fun to see you in the pink sweater on Valentine's Day! ;)
Posted by: Peg the Pug Lover | February 16, 2007 at 02:47 PM